The 26th edition of the American Business in China White Paper explores the cross-cutting, industry-specific, national, and regional issues faced by AmCham China’s member companies in 2023 and early 2024. Each chapter offers practical recommendations for addressing challenges facing the American business community that will, if implemented, benefit both foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) and the Chinese economy. We hope that this year’s White Paper will serve as a constructive tool for both the US and Chinese governments and offer a comprehensive set of recommendations for both countries as they work towards greater mutual understanding and successful resolution of outstanding company concerns.
中国美国商会的第26版《美国企业在中国白皮书》探讨了2023 年和2024 年初商会会员企业所面临的跨领域的、行业的、全国性和地区性问题。每一章都提出了应对这些挑战的实用建议,如果得以实施,将使外商投资公司和整个中国经济受益。商会希望今年的《白皮书》能够成为中美两国政府合作的一个建设性工具,并将继续通过《白皮书》为两国政府提供全面的建议,期待借此增进双方的相互理解,帮助会员企业成功解决存在的问题。
All AmCham China card-holding members should have received an email with a link to download the 2024 White Paper.
All non-members are welcome to buy this publication by clicking on this purchase link.
At a Glance
In 2023, the foreign business community in China experienced cautious optimism with the conclusion of COVID-19 control measures and resumed high-level US-China dialogues. Despite these positive developments, “Rising tensions in US-China relations” persisted as the top challenge, according to our 2024 Business Climate Survey (BCS).
At AmCham China, we advocate for a balanced approach, accommodating economic engagement alongside national interests. Acknowledging the necessity for the US to maintain its long-term competitiveness, this year’s American Business in China White Paper amplifies the voices of our member organizations, articulating their interests, objectives, and commercial imperatives.
Throughout the year, China has taken significant strides in solidifying its stance on the importance of foreign investment. Initiatives such as the “24 points” issued by the State Council in August and the subsequent introduction of the New 24 Measures in March 2024 underscore China’s commitment to enhancing its attractiveness as a destination for long-term foreign investment. Despite these efforts, the actual experiences of our members reveal a nuanced landscape, characterized by historical skepticism and cautious optimism regarding China’s investment environment.
Against this backdrop, the 26th edition of the American Business in China White Paper (White Paper) explores crosscutting, industry-specific, national, and regional issues faced by AmCham China’s member companies in 2023 and early 2024. Each chapter offers practical recommendations for addressing challenges facing the American business community, aiming to benefit both foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) and the Chinese economy. We hope that this year’s White Paper will serve as a constructive tool for both the US and Chinese governments to reorient the bilateral relationship towards a more balanced and sustainable economic footing.
概 述
中国美国商会的第26期《美国企业在中国白皮书》探讨了2023 年和2024 年初商会会员企业所面临的跨领域的、行业的、全国性的和地区性的问题。每一章均就应对相关挑战提出了可行建议。上述建议如得以实施,外资企业与中国经济都将从中受益。商会期待本年度的《白皮书》能够成为中美两国政府的建设性工具,并将继续通过《白皮书》为两国政府提供全面的政策建议,以推动双方增进相互理解,共同解决会员企业的重大关切。