Dear fellow AmCham China Members,

So many of you recently provided such generous care, support, and aid to China in her time of need fighting the COVID-19 battle. The situation, as you know, has improved tremendously in China, as we all hoped it would – in no small part due to us pulling together to help the society of which we’re a part. But just a short time later, our families, friends, and colleagues in the United States now also face grave danger. We need to help.

China ramped up capacity of protective gear to meet the needs here at home. Now that those needs have been largely met, the needs in the US are critical. And while both those needs and the supply sources exist, you and I can play a role in getting essential Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE” – surgical and N95 masks, gloves, protective clothing, goggles, etc.) where it needs to be as quickly as possible. Please join me and other AmCham China members to assemble a volunteer corps. The idea is simple: working in tandem with US organizations, we help to place orders with manufacturers here in China and help resolve any bottle-neck issues that pop up.

You may wonder why we need to get involved when demand, supply, and e-commerce should, in ordinary times, be able to sort this out. These aren’t ordinary times. The needed materials aren’t yet where they need to be. Time in this case is not money, it’s human lives. Our global village is under threat, but solutions exist and we need your help – now. Flattening the curve in the US and keeping it flat in China is good for the health and welfare of the entire world.

Our taskforce of coordinators will seek to work with both US and Chinese entities to accelerate the speed of taking orders and getting them fulfilled. For our community, there is nothing more meaningful or urgent than this task. If you are willing to join us and help please register the following elements at this simple form here, with:

  • Your name
  • How many hours a week you can contribute
  • In which time zone and hours you which to help (noting some or many of you may choose to contribute your volunteer efforts outside of your current location’s office hours– though many will also be needed to help during China office hours to liaise with potential China suppliers)
  • Language – English, Chinese, or Bilingual
  • Skill Set(s): e.g., Quality Assurance, Supply Chain Mgmt, Logistics, Customs, Project Mgmt etc.

I will remain personally involved in this effort and hope to be working alongside you every step of the way,

Greg Gilligan             

Chairman, AmCham China