AmCham China’s Committees

AmCham China’s Committees are the lifeblood of our advocacy, industry relations, and community development. We have Committees focusing on industry sectors, corporate functions, and special issue-based interests that well represent American businesses operating in China as well as the active membership of our community.

Our Committees allow members to:

  • Use AmCham China as a platform to drive foreign companies and industry-based advocacy efforts
  • Hold dialogues with regulators and industry stakeholders to influence the business environment
  • Share information and ideas specific to their industries
  • Meet like-minded people for professional development
  • Generate contacts for business development

If you are interested in joining any of our Committees, subscribe here!

Click here to download the full list of Committee Co-Chairs and AmCham China Supporting Staff
(Some Committees are open to members only, but many are open to non-members as well.)



Agriculture Committee

The Agriculture Committee is a platform for members in agriculture to discuss industry issues, challenges, and opportunities. The Committee also facilitates relationships with Chinese organizations on food security, food safety, and productivity through dialogues and activities.

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Automotive Committee

The Automotive Committee serves as a platform to form synergies and share information among interested members that covers the whole value chain of the auto industry, from auto manufacturers and auto parts suppliers to services providers.

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Business Sustainability Committee

The BSC supports members in sharing, learning, and branding their best practices for business sustainability in China. The BSC aims to help members adapt their business strategy to respond to China’s sustainability challenges in partnership with government, businesses, NGOs, etc.

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Chinese Government Affairs Committee

Through the sharing of members’ knowledge, experience, and their analysis of policies, the Chinese Government Affairs Committee (CGAC) strives to communicate with both Chinese central and local governments, serving and advocating on behalf of our members.

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Cosmetics and Nutrition Committee

The Cosmetics and Nutrition Committee is focused on advocacy and offers members an opportunity to discuss industry developments and issues. Committee members can contribute to the annual White Paper, which summarizes the state of the industry and its challenges.

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ECWG Committee

The Export Compliance Working Group aims to offer guidance on Chinese national and regional government approaches to trade-related controls and to assist US businesses with understanding and navigating the complexities of US-China trade and trade-related laws.

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Education Committee

The mission of the Education Committee is to foster dialogue between China and the US on education-related topics and inform members about cutting-edge developments in the field. The Committee hosts events, bringing together universities, schools, educators, students, parents, etc.

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Election Committee

The Election Committee serves the AmCham China community to organize and facilitate the yearly AmCham China Board of Governors elections, as well as constitutional referendums.

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Energy Committee

The Energy Committee is dedicated to helping members involved in shale and liquefied natural gas, oil exploration and production, refining, energy production, mining for energy, chemicals, energy production, and power industries, providing a venue for interaction, discussion, research, and exploration of relevant issues.

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Financial Services and Insurance Committee

In 2019, the Financial Services Committee and the Insurance Committee were joined to better serve members, providing members the opportunity to discuss financial and insurance industry developments and issues, and to summarize the state of the industries and their challenges.

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Food & Beverage Committee

The Food & Beverage Committee provides a platform for members to meet to exchange information on regulations and standards in relation to food safety and to bring forth joint efforts reaching out to Chinese authorities responsible for food safety issues.

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Healthcare Committee

The Healthcare Committee offers a platform for healthcare sector professionals and businesses to discuss industry issues and developments. The Committee’s priorities include advocacy, information sharing, and networking.

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Human Resources Committee

The HR Committee provides networking and information sharing opportunities for HR professionals, opportunities to learn the latest developments and best practices, and designs recommendations for HR in China. The Visa Committee is a subcommittee of the HR Committee.

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Information and Communications Technology Committee (ICT) Committee

The goal of the ICT Committee is to share and influence ICT-related policies, empowering members to maximize the benefits of technology that facilitates business in China and mitigate potential risks. The Committee is largely driven by policy updates from China and the US.

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Legal Affairs Committee

The Legal Affairs Committee was formed through the joining of the Compliance Committee, IPR Committee, and Legal Committee, and seeks to analyze, disseminate, and advocate on various legal issues for the business community.

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Manufacturing, Customs, Supply Chain, and Sourcing Committee

The MCSS Committee was formed through the joining of the Customs & Trade Committee, Manufacturing and Sourcing Committee, and Supply Chain Committee, and seeks to increase knowledge of world-class best practices in relevant industries in China.

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Marketing, Advertising, and PR Committee

The MA&PR Committee supports the exchange of information about marketing, advertising, and PR trends in China. The Committee organizes events to learn from and to exchange ideas with authoritative sources from international and China-based agencies and companies.

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Media and Entertainment Committee

The Media and Entertainment Committee provides a platform for members interested in entertainment and media to discuss industry issues, challenges, and opportunities. The Committee holds monthly meetings, panel discussions, and a range of programs with experts focused on engaging businesses.

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Outbound Investment Committee

The Outbound Investment Committee provides a platform for AmCham China members to do business through providing expertise and best practices on investing in the US, and helping their Chinese counterparts understand the US market better and develop business in the US.

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Policy Committee

The Policy Committee brings together policy experts from various sectors for meetings, expert presentations, roundtables, and panel discussions on the policy environment for businesses in China. The activities of the committee aid in identifying cross-cutting issues of importance to all AmCham China members.

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Real Estate and Development Committee

The Real Estate and Development Committee promotes transparency and awareness in the fields of real estate, construction, engineering, and land use rights & administration. The Committee uses policy dialogue to make recommendations to the government for improvements.

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SMEs and Entrepreneurs Committee

The SMEs and Entrepreneurs Committee provides opportunities for members from small- and medium-sized enterprises to meet and exchange ideas and information. The focus of the Committee is to lead the development of activities beneficial to SMEs.

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Sports Committee

The Sports Committee provides an opportunity for members to meet their peers and those from other organizations to engage in sports activities, sports viewership, and seek long-term business relationships through the medium of sports.

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Tax Committee

The purpose of the Tax Committee is to increase transparency of tax issues with the Chinese government and improve the US taxpayer’s position on tax issues in China by pooling resources and information from members and experts who follow developments in Chinese tax law and practice.

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US Government Relations Committee

The USGR Committee organizes AmCham China’s yearly DC Outreach in which delegations of members and leadership visit Capitol Hill to share insights and advocacy messaging from the Chamber and its members.

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Women Professionals Committee

The WPC’s objective is to foster the development of women in business through information, advocacy, networking, and services, by implementing events and activities aimed at enhancing selected skill areas and addressing issues integral to women’s success in the business world.

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Young Professionals Committee

The YPC provides a platform for young professionals to build their professional networks, develop career skills, and work with other dynamic leaders to achieve success. The Committee hosts informal round-table lunches with business leaders, networking mixers, and discussions on career development.

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Tianjin Chapter


Chinese Government Affairs Committee

Through the sharing of members’ knowledge and experience and their analysis of policies, the Tianjin Chapter’s Chinese Government Affairs Committee strives to communicate closely with the local Tianjin government, serving and advocating on behalf of our members.

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Culture and Lifestyle Committee

The mission of the Culture and Lifestyle Committee is to enhance the quality of life of our members by strengthening communities and enriching the human experiences with hope, strength, and joy through an amalgamation of art, culture, sports, and entertainment. The committee aims to promote, develop, and create Art and Culture in Tianjin.

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Education Committee

The mission of the Education Committee is to foster dialogue between China and the US on education-related topics and inform members about cutting-edge developments in the field. The Committee hosts events, bringing together universities, schools, educators, students, parents, etc.

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Manufacturing and Sustainability Committee

To increase knowledge of world-class best practices in manufacturing and sustainability industries in Tianjin, the Manufacturing & Sustainability Committee supports AmCham China Tianjin in its China-US government relations efforts that impact manufacturing, supply chain and sustainability.

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Real Estate Committee

The purpose of the Real Estate Committee is to increase industry knowledge and promote information sharing. The committee achieves this through an annual property briefing to our members, project visits, briefings by industry speakers, and walking tours.

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Women Professionals Committee

The objective of the Women Professionals Committee is to foster the development of women in business in Tianjin through information advocacy, networking, and services, by implementing events and activities aimed at enhancing selected skill areas and addressing issues integral to women’s success in the business world.

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Northeast Chapter


Education Committee

The mission of the Education Committee is to foster dialogue between China and our member companies on education-related topics and inform AmCham China members about cutting-edge developments in the field. The Education Committee hosts panel events as well as smaller round-table discussions to bring together universities, K-12 international schools, placement agencies, educators, current students, alumni, and concerned parents.

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Human Resources Committee

The purpose of the HR Committee is, through shared learning in success and failures among HR professionals, to optimize organizational capacity and efficiency to enable business wins , co-create an inclusive workplace to attract, grow and retain the best talent, and engage individual’s strength to reach ever-higher levels of potential and business performance.

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Legal, Tax, and Accounting Committee

The Legal, Tax, and Accounting Committee seeks to analyze, disseminate, and advocate on various legal, tax, and accounting issues for the business community through increased transparency and by pooling resources and information from members and experts who follow developments in these areas.

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Women Professionals Committee

The objective of the Women Professionals Committee is to foster the development of women in business in the Northeast of China through information, advocacy, networking, and services, by implementing events and activities aimed at enhancing selected skill areas and addressing issues integral to women’s success in the business world.

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Central China Chapter


Chinese Government Affairs Committee

The aim of the Central China Chapter’s Chinese Government Affairs Committee is to facilitate connections between member companies and local Chinese governments in the Central China region, helping American companies to succeed by providing suggestions and advocacy on policy developments, and various collaborative efforts with the Chinese government.

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Training Committee

The Training Committee is designed to provide practical skills to member company employees at all levels so that they are better able to overcome challenges and stresses from daily work. Training seminars include: OA, Leadership, the Leader-as-coach, Supervisor training, Project management training and How to handle difficult conversation etc.

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Training Committee

The mission of this committee is to foster collaboration and understanding, serving the city of Wuhan and our members by advocating for the common interests of international schools and programs. The committee aims to help develop a robust ecosystem for international education in order to assist in attracting top talent and investment to Wuhan, Hubei, and central China while preparing students to lead and thrive in an increasingly interconnected and diverse world.

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Through information, advocacy, and networking, AmCham China’s diverse Committees serve the business community and your industry needs