Summary Overview

Member companies in the machinery, equipment, systems and controls (“machinery”) industry report a combination of both negative and positive prospects for 2019. Most member companies projected an increase in revenue in 2018, however, 15% of members expected revenue to decrease. 

This 21-page report provides insights into the machinery, equipment, systems and controls industry from the perspective of key industry players.

Furthermore, although 61% of machinery industry member companies characterized their financial performance for 2018 as profitable, 3% characterized it as a large loss.
Moreover, nearly half of companies estimate they will not increase investments in their China operations in 2019 due to uncertainties in the US-China relationship and the Chinese policy environment.

Across its 21 data-driven pages, the report focuses on six main areas, including:

  • Executive Summary
  • 2018 Performance Snapshot
  • Business Climate Challenges and Investment Outlook
  • Regulatory Environment
  • Innovation
  • Policy Perspectives


This industry report is free for all members. For non-members, this report can be purchased for 400 RMB. To purchase this report, click the button below.