Summary Overview

The year 2018 revealed fewer positive trends for the healthcare products industry. Although most members predict an increase in 2018 revenue, China is expected to account for no more than one fourth of global revenue for most healthcare product companies. Furthermore, 31% of companies characterized their profitability as “break-even” in 2018, compared with just 4% in 2017.

This 21-page report explores the insights and implicaitons for the healthcare products industry drawn from the industry-specific data of the 2019 BCS Report.

Companies expressed greatest concern in their outlooks on US-China relations, cost competitiveness, competitive pressure, and an uncertain policy environment, though remain positive about domestic market growth and healthcare reforms.

Across its 21 data-driven pages, the report focuses on six main areas, including:

  • Executive Summary
  • 2018 Performance Snapshot
  • Business Climate Challenges and Investment Outlook
  • Regulatory Environment
  • Innovation
  • Policy Perspectives


This industry report is free for all members. For non-members, this report can be purchased for 400 RMB. To purchase this report, click the button below.