General Manager at Tianjin Custom Wood Processing Co., Ltd



My first visit to China and to Tianjin was in 1996 and I relocated here from northern California in September, 2005. I am currently Executive V/P of California Cedar Products Co., and General Manager of our WORE, Tianjin Custom Wood Processing Co., Ltd, located in Tianjin’s Dongli District. I have been an active member of AmCham Tianjin’s Executive Committee since 2007.

I feel very fortunate to be living in Tianjin during this period in China’s history. It is exciting to be involved, even in a small way, in the rapid growth and development of American business interests in China. AmCham China, and the Tianjin Chapter, provide me with an opportunity and a venue to share my working experience with other American individuals and companies who have newly established enterprises in Tianjin or who are contemplating locating an existing or new business to China, Conducting business in China can be intimidating to new arrivals and frustrating to even the most seasoned expat business person and I am eager to share what I have leaned over the past 20 years with other American businesses looking to succeed in China. I look forward to continuing my active participation in AmCham China’s Tianjin Chapter.