Campaign Statement
Greetings to all of the members of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, my name is James Nobles and I am running for a position on the Board of Governors.
Unlike my distinguished fellow candidates and current board members, I do not represent a large business interest in China. I am a small business owner attempting to prosper during these difficult and challenging times. I see my prospective role as a liaison between SME interests and the larger, and more well known entities here. I believe the Chamber can be a more vibrant vehicle for our thoughts and concerns and give more value to its members by providing, besides its excellent training workshops, more in person and networking events so members can freely interact. As a former elected official, I am accustomed to working with diverse and sometimes hostile agendas proffered by a large group of people. I have been successful in this environment in the past and I believe I will be successful in the future.
Thank you for your support!
The Honorable James Nobles is the founder and owner of Bizarre Beijing, a Chinese cultural enterprise based in Beijing. Before coming to China, James was a partner in E.C.E.S., Inc. (Engineering, Construction and Environmental Services) as a Civil Engineering Contractor. Later, he became an environmental contractor and consultant cleaning up hazardous waste and mitigating environmental damage. As a program manager in Seattle, he entered the world of politics by running for Lieutenant Governor of Washington State and then successfully being elected to a City-wide position in Seattle. Since moving to Beijing 11 years ago, James has been an educator and small business owner. He has served as a council member for the Royal Asiatic Society, Beijing, is an auditor for the Swiss Club in Beijing, Chifan for Charity board member and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Royal Geographical Society.