Earlier, she said at an an event hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce in China that “Chinese practices … are tilting the playing field away from American workers and firms.”
“Overcapacity isn’t a new problem, but it has intensified, and we’re seeing emerging risks in new sectors,” Yellen told a group of China-based American executives. “This can undercut the business of American firms and workers, as well as of firms around the world, including in India and Mexico.”
“Overcapacity isn’t a new problem, but it has intensified, and we’re seeing emerging risks in new sectors,” Yellen said in prepared remarks at an American Chamber of Commerce in China event in Guangzhou.
Speaking at an event hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce in China, she cited a recent survey by the organization that found one-third of American firms in China report unfair treatment compared to local competitors. International businesses have long complained of discrimination in areas including market access, government procurement and access to subsidies.
It is also important to let Beijing know that the US and allies recognise excess capacity could be a problem, said Sean Stein, chair of the American Chamber of Commerce in China.
China is too large to export its way to rapid growth and would benefit by reducing excess industrial capacity which is pressuring other economies, Yellen said in remarks to an audience of about 40 representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce in Guangzhou.
Yellen, who touched down in the southern metropolis of Guangzhou on Thursday to begin her second visit in less than 10 months, consulted American businesses on the issue when she met with their representatives on Friday.
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“Guangzhou was at the heart of the market-oriented reforms and industrial development that drove China’s tremendous growth,” Yellen said at an event hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China) in the city on Friday. It remains the top destination for foreign investment in the country, including from Fortune Global 500 companies, she added.
VOA Chinese – 北京对美财长访华发出积极信号,但不被民族主义网民认可
VOA Chinese – 美财长耶伦敦促中国创造公平竞争环境[dt_gap height=”10″ /]
BBC Chinese – 耶伦访华点名三个产业“过剩”威胁美国 强调并非出于反华情绪
央视网 – 玉渊谭天丨知情人透露与耶伦交流细节:她希望美企在中国继续取得成功[dt_gap height=”10″ /]
“耶伦此访想要传递的重要信号是,美方希望(与中方)建立起稳定、富有成效的经贸关系。同时,美方也希望这种关系是基于经济考量,而非政治等因素。”谈及与耶伦接触的印象,中国美国商会主席谭森(Sean Stein)告诉澎湃新闻(www.thepaper.cn),“在听耶伦讲话或是和她交谈时,你会发现她是从经济学家的视角来看世界,而不是政治家或者其他身份。”
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