Michael Hart, President of AmCham China; Everett Wakai, Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs of the US Embassy in Beijing; and William Hope, Economic Officer at the US Embassy in Beijing, delivered insightful speeches at the seminar. They emphasized the importance of cooperation between China and the US in IP protection, highlighting its potential to benefit industry development and facilitate global economic and trade growth.
Shangke Cui, Director of the Intellectual Property Protection Department of China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), provided updates on the “Implementing Measures for Drug Patent Dispute Early Resolution Mechanism.” Director Cui stressed the Chinese government’s commitment to IP protection and outlined advancements in the IP protection system, using the early resolution mechanism for drug patent disputes as an illustrative example.
中国美国商会总裁何迈可(Michael Hart)、美国驻华大使馆商务公使衔事务参赞Everett Wakai 以及美国驻华大使馆经济处官员何伟乾(William Hope)分别为研讨会致辞。他们在致辞中共同强调了知识产权保护对中美两国合作的重要性。不断深化保护知识产权领域的合作,不仅有利于中美两个国家创新技术的发展,也有利于全球经济贸易的稳定和繁荣。