99 Government RelationsNews

Seminar on China’s Rural Ecommerce and Rural Industrial Upgrading

On April 25, 2024, AmCham China hosted the Seminar on China’s Rural E-commerce and Rural Industrial Upgrading in Beijing. Representatives from over 20 American and Chinese companies and NGOs attended the meeting and engaged in discussions on “E-commerce’s Contribution to Rural Industry Development”.

SII 2024 China's Rural E-commerce and Rural Industrial Upgrading
Michael Hart, President of AmCham China, attended the seminar and delivered the opening remark. He explained the ongoing three-year Social Impact Initiative project themed around rural revitalization, digital economy, and green development, and the project will continue to align with future objectives set by the Chinese government.
SII 2024 China's Rural E-commerce and Rural Industrial Upgrading Xue Yongbin

Zhang Hui, Deputy Director of China Rural Technology Development Center delivered the keynote speech. Through cases of newly joined enterprises, he demonstrated that technological innovation and e-commerce can be of significant assistance for rural development.

Xue Yongbin, Executive President of China E-Commerce Rural Revitalization Alliance, then introduced the multiple challenges faced by rural economic development and the significance of rural revitalization. He highlighted the notable outcomes achieved by the Chinese government through the strategy of “e-commerce for rural development”, including promoting the connection between agricultural production and distribution, ensuring high quality and good price, and promoting agricultural transformation.

SII 2024 China's Rural E-commerce and Rural Industrial Upgrading Wang Xingzui
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Ding Yadong, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Foundation for Rural Development, shared the experience of social forces supporting rural development. He introduced the current focus of their foundation revolved around the key aspects of rural areas, including e-commerce, rural revitalization, talent cultivation, and rural construction.

Wang Xingzui, Chairman of the Chongho Rural Development Promotion Center, shared insights into rural social service projects. He stressed the limited experience and risk-taking ability of the majority of small farmers, as well as the weak and costly rural social service system, coupled with a lack of shared resources and credit systems.

During the seminar, representatives from several member companies, including Amazon China and Dell Technologies shared their experiences in empowering rural industries and engaged in in-depth discussions. They envisioned the prospects of rural industry upgrading and rural e-commerce development, and encouraged further collaboration, strengthened policy support, and enhanced industry integration.

About the Social Impact Initiative:

AmCham China launched the Social Impact Initiative in July 2020, aiming to establish a collaborative platform including stakeholders such as government bodies, domestic and foreign enterprises, international organizations, think tanks, and so on. By organizing thematic seminars, summits, and producing reports, the program shares best practices to inspire corporate social responsibility, encouraging multinational enterprises to play a more proactive role in China’s social and economic development. Upholding the principles of sharing, contributing, cooperating, and win-win outcomes, the Social Impact Initiative will continue to focus on three areas in 2024: rural revitalization, the digital economy, and sustainable development. We welcome member companies, government agencies, NGOs, academic institutions, and industry associations to join us on our journey of social impact.

To learn more about AmCham China’s Social Impact Initiative, please contact Yuning Xu.