Campaign Statement

Dear AmCham Voters –

I have been privileged to work for The Boeing Company for over 31 years, and I have been traveling to China for nearly 20 years doing business on behalf of Boeing and our airline customers.  18 months ago, I was honored to be asked to serve as President of Boeing China.  While my tenure so far has been fraught with unexpected challenges, I remain optimistic about our long term future in China.   Relationships matter in business and this is especially true in China.   Boeing is fortunate to have a 48 year trust-based relationship with the Chinese Government, airlines and key stakeholders, and while the US-China relationship has deteriorated, our partnerships remain strong.  I firmly believe that air travel brings the people of the world together, making our world closer – building on our similarities, while recognizing and respecting our differences.  

AmCham China is a critical element of US companies’ ability to build and grow important relationships in China.  Gaining access to key government officials and speaking with one voice on the importance of our bilateral relationship is essential.   AmCham China has proven its value in those exchanges.  It is not just about making money and growing our businesses in China, it is about listening, learning and driving toward reciprocity and a level playing field to ensure mutual respect and growth between our two countries.  Business has always played an important part in government to government relations, and now more than ever, we need to speak loudly, looking strategically to our long term future and finding the win-win opportunities.

I am committed to support AmCham’s objectives because they are aligned to my objectives, as well.   Business leaders tend to look longer term and strategically identify win-win outcomes.  We tend to be much more open to creating situations where both parties benefit.   Now is the time for all of us to be very involved in the process, and you have my commitment to have a strong voice for all of us at the table.


Sherry Carbary was named president of Boeing China in February 2019. She serves as Boeing’s senior in-country executive, leads company-wide activities including government affairs, and supports the implementation of Boeing’s China strategy. Carbary is also responsible for supporting new business and industrial partnerships, community engagement, and expanding Boeing relationships with stakeholders in China. She reports to Sir Michael Arthur, president of Boeing International.

Previously, she served as vice president of Flight Services for Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA) Commercial Aviation Services and led nearly 5,000 employees across 15 training campuses on six continents. In this role, Carbary was responsible for overseeing the organization’s global operations including flight crew, maintenance and cabin safety training, simulator services, flight operations, flight optimization services and air traffic management as well as navigation and crew operations services through Boeing subsidiary, Jeppesen. Prior to that, Carbary was vice president of Strategic Management for Commercial Airplanes and facilitated the development of BCA's competitive, market-driven business strategy.

Other positions at Boeing included BCA business director & deputy vice president, International Sales. Carbary was also director of Boeing Corporate Investor Relations, responsible for representing the financial position of Boeing to the investment community. 

Carbary holds a master’s degree in business administration from Seattle University and bachelor’s degrees in finance and economics from Eastern Washington University.