99 Government RelationsNews

Announcement on a Cooperation Agreement between the American Chamber of Commerce in People’s Republic of China and the U.S. Embassy in the People’s Republic of China.

The American Chamber of Commerce in the People’s Republic of China (AmCham China), in partnership with the U.S. Embassy in the People’s Republic of China (U.S. Embassy), will promote mutual understanding between our peoples in China through a year of innovative programming that promotes the importance of bilateral trade and investment. These programs will celebrate our two countries’ people-to-people relationship in a year that marks the 40th anniversary of our two countries establishing diplomatic relations. The U.S. and China are the largest trading partners with one another, and a bilateral trade relationship truly based on the principles of free, fair, and reciprocal trade and investment would benefit the people of both countries and have a significant positive global impact.

The series is entitled “Expanding the Conversation: A Series of Exchange Programs Promoting Interactions between American and Chinese Communities.” Each month in 2019, AmCham China will host one program to share the story of prominent American businesses and their success working in China with a wide and diverse audience. The series of panel discussions, presentations, seminars, workshops, and community engagement projects will emphasize the importance of the bilateral relationship and people-to-people exchanges.

Foreign businesses in China, and in particular American companies, have contributed significantly to China’s economic growth and continue to provide innovative technologies and share best practices. American companies, through employment of a sizable Chinese workforce, with a significant presence in China work hard to provide tangible benefits to the people of China. They offer products and services that help infuse progress and vibrance into everyday life of the Chinese people. These include building e-commerce platforms to connect Chinese small businesses to global markets, utilizing big data to improve customer experiences, promoting sustainability by conserving clean water resources, ensuring food safety for the abundance of food and beverages served at urban place restaurants and transported from supermarkets to family dining tables, among others.

American companies in China also deepen the connections between people of both countries. Our children grow and learn together to be better global citizens with shared responsibilities. Schools encourage exchanges between students through international education initiatives. Companies with robust diversity and inclusion programs help people understand different cultures. American sports franchises encourage universal values of health, athleticism and teamwork.

We will draw on the experience of business leaders, key industry players, entrepreneurs and young people in China to highlight these and other success stories. From factory floors to board rooms, respectful dialogue between people of both countries is the bedrock of this relationship and mutual understanding is increasingly a business imperative.

Please join AmCham China on January 24, 2019 for a community mixer to kick off this important initiative, celebrate the successful bilateral relationship, and prepare for a productive 2019!

For more information about this series, please contact Evan Schmitt at eschmitt@amchamchina.org for inquiries .