The US-China Energy Cooperation Program (ECP) was founded in 2009 by 24 US companies as a private sector-led non-profit public-private-partnership platform.
With official support from US government agencies including the Department of Commerce (DOC), Department of Energy (DOE), and US Trade and Development Agency (TDA), together with Chinese government agencies including the National Energy Administration (NEA) and Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), ECP acts as a bridge connecting governments with the private sector to advance sustainable development and facilitate commercial cooperation on clean energy, energy efficiency, and environment sectors.
City Workshop Series
US-China (Beijing) Sustainable and Healthy City Development Workshop
US-China (Guangzhou) Energy and Environmental Protection Cooperation Workshop
US-China (Wuhan) Urban Infrastructure Workshop
Gas Workshop Series
US-China (Beijing) Gas Industry Cooperation Workshop
US-China (Zhejiang) Gas Industry Cooperation Workshop
US-China (Shandong) Gas Industry Cooperation Workshop
Waste to Energy Initiative
US-China (Fujian) Waste to Energy Technical Workshop
USTDA China Clean Energy Study Tour for Urban Waste Management
ECP advances bilateral cooperation between China and the United States on clean energy, energy efficiency, and environment sector issues. We act as a bridge to connect governments with the private sector under the shared goal of advancing sustainable development and enabling commercial cooperation. Our five “pillars” form the foundation for building a cleaner, healthier, more sustainable, and efficient society for our two great countries.
Services and Membership Benefits
Government Affairs and Policy Calendar
Contact Us

Organization and Staff
ECP Co-chairs
Maggie Jia, Cheniere
Yumin Yang, ConocoPhillips
Ma Li, AmCham China Energy Cooperation Program
Support Staff: Ma Li
ECP Staff
Join ECP
By joining the U.S.-China Energy Cooperation Program you’ll be part of a highly recognized organization whose vision is to create a healthier, more sustainable environment through China-US partnerships by leveraging government policy, implementing self-sustaining programs, and facilitating commercial cooperation on the energy and environment sector development.
To join ECP, please contact the ECP staff via the telephone or email details found below:
Tel: (8610) 8519-0858
Fax: (8610) 8519-0899