At this critical time, we are publishing our 21st annual White Paper—a comprehensive analysis of China’s economic policies and practices impacting foreign trade and investment. We have been gratified by the close attention US and Chinese policymakers have paid to the White Paper in past years. In this edition, we have endeavored to offer a comprehensive set of recommendations for both sides as they work towards greater mutual understanding and successful resolution of our many outstanding concerns.
在这一关键时期,商会发布了第21 期年度《美国企业在中国白皮书》(以下全书简称《白皮书》)- 对中国影响对外贸易和投资的经济政策和实践进行了全面分析。我们对中美两国政策制定者近年来对《白皮书》的密切关注感到欣慰。此外,我们努力提出多方建议,增进双方相互了解、促进许多悬而未决的问题顺利解决。
The White Paper is provided complimentary to AmCham China members, and for RMB400 to non-members.